Competitive Cheerleading

  • CWY INFERNO COMP TEAM (8-14 yrs)

    CWY Inferno is a competitive cheer team that competes at All-Star level events within the recreation division.

    Season: Nov 1st- April 25th

    4 Competitions, CWY Exhibition Showcase, & Washougal Christmas Parade

  • CWY Fireflies Performance Team (5-7 yrs)

    CWY Fireflies is a Performance Squad designed for cheerleaders to enhance their skills through training classes. It offers an opportunity to prepare for competitive cheer in the future or to experience a low-commitment cheer team. Participants will also enjoy performing in 3 exciting events.

    Season: Nov 1st-April 25th

    Performances Include: CWY Exhibition Showcase & Washougal Christmas Parade

  • Drop In Training (5-18 yrs)

    Interested in a drop in class?

    Drop ins are $15/class, pay in person as you go… Cash preferred

    Inferno punch Card- Do 8 classes, get the 9th for free!!

    Classes are 1 Hr, every Saturday

    Training Skills-



    High School Cheer Training

    *special requests for skills training can be made with coaches.

    Ages- 5-18 years.

    *no performances, no uniforms, this is skills training/drop in only!